We are pleased to announce the second international workshop on "Advances and perspectives in Auroral Plasma Physics", which will be housed by the "Centre Paul Langevin", a dedicated conference centre - belonging to CNRS - covering conference rooms, catering and accommodation.
The centre is located in Aussois, a mountain village resort in the French Alps near the italian border.
The workshop will provide the opportunity to report on the latest results from theory, simulation and data analysis. Recent multispacecraft
missions - such as CLUSTER and THEMIS -
are providing new results concerning auroral particle acceleration processes given the high time and space resolution of the instruments and the multi-point measurement capability.
We welcome papers that highlight the spatio-temporal features of the aurora, such as the relation between Alfvénic turbulence and small-scale structures, the relation between quasi-static
and Alfvénic acceleration, dynamics and properties of the auroral acceleration region and the associated density cavities, as well as correlative studies
from ground-based instrument.We also solicit contributions that demonstrate the connection between auroral acceleration and magnetotail reconnection.
The participation in the Aussois Workshop is by invitation only, and the number of participants is limited to approximately thirty five. The atmosphere of the workshop will be informal.
All talks will be "invited", with "equality" among attendees.
The Workshop is sponsored by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and by the Programme National Soleil Terre (PNST). The management of the Workshop is provided by the "Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas" (UPMC, Polytechnique).